Any occasion for celebration is good. Women's Day?
admit that skeptical about this kind of Christmas. Do not celebrate them something special. Although, as any woman I like to be admired and get stuff different sweets and flowers. The joy of the nice gestures stick aware that this is a commercial stunt drivers of the market.
On the other hand, if not all of these "holidays" people would have no opportunity to express their feelings. Locked in a skamieleć might forever.
know that almost every day is something to celebrate?
For example, in March, is only 11 days off from any opportunity.
See for yourself.
first International Day Against Against Zbrojeniom second atomic
World Civil Defence Day
third International Writers Day - missed
5th Guam Day - uu, here too;)
6th Day Dental
8th International Women's Day
10th International Day of Women, Day skirt - men demanded justice so they have, and it is said that feminists are furious
is yet another day the boy in September, the day the girl? hahaha;)
11th World Kidney Day, Day Sołtys
14th Pi Day
15th Domain Day, World Consumer Day
18th International Day of the Sun - let it be spring
19th Day Wędkarz - well that some people like to fish under the ice
20th International Day of Francophonie , the World Day Without Meat - vegetarians are happy 21st
World Day of the Forest and forester, Poetry Day, International Day of Astrology - this is cool holiday
22nd World Water Day, the Day of the Baltic Sea- and is also the 23rd
World Meteorological Day, World Day Windy - nobody would be imprisoned
24th World Day to Combat Tuberculosis
26th Earth Hour - what could we do to the Earth by the hour? is not enough
27th World Theatre Day, National Day of Free Competition - competition never sleeps, some will go to the theater
29th Day Metalowca - widely understood
As you can see "something nice for everyone."
Choose whatever suits you and celebrate.
wish you all a nice, warm day. I hope no more such occasions.
Sweets and spring in sight, hands and nose.
admit that skeptical about this kind of Christmas. Do not celebrate them something special. Although, as any woman I like to be admired and get stuff different sweets and flowers. The joy of the nice gestures stick aware that this is a commercial stunt drivers of the market.
On the other hand, if not all of these "holidays" people would have no opportunity to express their feelings. Locked in a skamieleć might forever.
know that almost every day is something to celebrate?
For example, in March, is only 11 days off from any opportunity.
See for yourself.
first International Day Against Against Zbrojeniom second atomic
World Civil Defence Day
third International Writers Day - missed
5th Guam Day - uu, here too;)
6th Day Dental
8th International Women's Day
10th International Day of Women, Day skirt - men demanded justice so they have, and it is said that feminists are furious
is yet another day the boy in September, the day the girl? hahaha;)
11th World Kidney Day, Day Sołtys
14th Pi Day
15th Domain Day, World Consumer Day
18th International Day of the Sun - let it be spring
19th Day Wędkarz - well that some people like to fish under the ice
20th International Day of Francophonie , the World Day Without Meat - vegetarians are happy 21st
World Day of the Forest and forester, Poetry Day, International Day of Astrology - this is cool holiday
22nd World Water Day, the Day of the Baltic Sea- and is also the 23rd
World Meteorological Day, World Day Windy - nobody would be imprisoned
24th World Day to Combat Tuberculosis
26th Earth Hour - what could we do to the Earth by the hour? is not enough
27th World Theatre Day, National Day of Free Competition - competition never sleeps, some will go to the theater
29th Day Metalowca - widely understood
As you can see "something nice for everyone."
Choose whatever suits you and celebrate.
wish you all a nice, warm day. I hope no more such occasions.
Sweets and spring in sight, hands and nose.
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