Thursday, March 10, 2011

12012 Lovers Translation

"Tenement-house," Edith Szałek

"tenement-house" is a modest book, the artwork is fascinating at first sight. Scattered like bread crumbs to birds, wydziobujemy words of the parties gradually swallowing the contents. Inside the book we find the paths leading to different parts of the world. Predictable is intertwined with the unexpected, to give scope to our imagination. The reader may feel an artist and create a picture of everyday life, using the full range of colorful dreams.

author using poetic prose, has created an album showing the captured moments look carefully observer. In this case, the lens was Edith Szałek. Snapshot eye captures images of reality from which the album was worth the memories. Strolling through the streets of the sleepy town, she found a modest but interesting corners of the human being. Waitress, receptionist and bizneswomen, Poles, and foreign-ordinary people like us. And each of them unique in their own way.

time Heroes buried memories, or trying to resurrect some of them. Combines their loneliness, fears and longings, over which seek to control. They are at a crossroads in life and seek a peaceful harbor, where they could relax. The peace and tranquility, warmth connected, full of experience - make further history.

Edith Szałek dedicating his novel mother gave testimony of gratitude for his dedication and education- for books, the world's best cookies baked in greaves of the day crisis, the resolution of the place where we all pushed the train of life, and the shuffling of your slippers after midnight when układałaś starched napkins and pastowałaś floor.
While in exile, harder to escape from the longings and memories. The author stopniując emotions, hope revived. Vividly presented, it is worth to be where we feel in his place. Where we live is better because the house is here where we are. Even if it's tight chamber to sleep in houses. After the return is not necessarily a failure or weakness of sight. On the contrary, may be the only way to restore inner peace.

"tenement-house" is essential reading for an evening of reflection at tea. I recommend everyone, especially those who feel that their life is just a gray, barren existence.

Title: tenement-house
Author: Edith Szałek
Publisher: Amea
ISBN: 978-83-924658-6-7
Edition: I
Pages: 96
Cover: soft

Edith Szałek - author of "Dream Green Eyelid", "tenement", "whale hunters"
and stories: "Carolina Bianca" - "Girl's Bedtime stories"
and "Vanndemman Park" - "Do not ask about Poland" .

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