Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Delay Of Periods With White Discharge

denial of service attacks (called Denial of Service, DoS ) are directed against computer networks and systems. Their goal is to prevent us or organizations providing services to its users and customers. Web servers are no longer sharing site, e-mail servers do not receive and send messages, and blocked routers cut off access to the Internet.
home users and office are generally not at risk, even though their computers may be used to carry out an attack. To the victims of DoS attacks can also include customer service affected, who can not benefit from the blocked services.
distinguish between malicious attacks and the attacks by lowering the efficiency of the system. The aim of malicious attack is to completely cut off customers from the attacked site. In the case of attacks, lowering consumed only a proportion of the resources of the victim.
DoS attacks can also be divided against the network, and against computer systems. Attacks in the first category exploit the weakness of the victim resulting from the limited bandwidth connections to the Internet. Links victim is flooded with large amounts of data, so that proper communication is very difficult or even impossible.
In the event of attack against the system, an attacker may have to completely halt the server or blockage of one of its services. Another way to attack the computer system is addressing its resources. Since every computer has a limited amount of resources needed for action (working memory, processing power, disk space, etc.), an attacker can take action to their exhaustion.
DoS attacks may be carried out with constant or variable intensity. In most cases we are dealing with a constant level of intensity, when the attacker at all time traffic generates packets at maximum strength. Such an attack on the one hand very quickly blocked access to the service, the other is immediately detected.
Attacks variables are difficult to diagnose because the intensity of change throughout their duration. If the attack strength increases slowly, leading to a gradual depletion of the victim. As a result, a threat can be detected only after a long time.

articles DoS-Attacks


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