Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Best Non Glossy Lip Plumper

PCs significantly in a small way are vulnerable to data theft or CPU. These types of attacks are targeted rather academic and corporate networks, designed in this respect a much more attractive assets than the average PECET Kowalski. You must not ignore such threats, since hackers often use computers a serious intrusion of unconscious people. Such action is intended to impede or completely prevent the proper track down the source of the attack, and thus transfer the responsibility for breaking to someone else. It is very important that the destructive action of the networks respond before an ordinary court!
Proper recognition of "intruder", its purpose and mode of action is therefore an effective protection. And it's not just about data security, but also our wallets! Even though the same way connected to the Internet means the potential problems.
computer virus (Latin, "virus" means poison) is a strange piece of code attached to the program. Executing this code when you start to find the disk causes the other, "not infected" programs and attach to their code virus. In this way the virus infects more and more programs on your computer and "infect" the programs carried on floppy disks or sent to destroy the network resources of other computers. The virus can also attack the boot sector of floppy or hard disk. The effects caused by viruses have the appearance of an offense involving breach of protected property right.

hazards resulting from computerization may be divided into several types: first

Physical - look, attitude,
second mental health - addiction, virtual reality detached from life,
third Moral - easy access (unchecked) information (eg, instructions for building bombs, child pornography),
4th Social - unethical behavior, anonymity, lack of brakes.

Ad 1) Physical

According to the U.S. official statistics, approximately 30% of computer users suffer from various ailments acquired in connection with their work. The most vulnerable parts of the body to health problems are straining the muscles of the wrist, neck tension, pain in the lower part of the spine, eyes - poor lighting causes eye fatigue, headaches and general fatigue of the body. Strain the natural curvature of the spine vertebral ligaments. Children and young people being in a period of intense physical development are particularly exposed to danger of loss of health, eye disease, curvature of the spine. This may have consequences for the life of a young man. Take care of hygiene at work at the computer, to ensure safe working conditions, proper equipment, lighting, learn the correct posture while working on the computer, learn relaxation and compelled to do leisure breaks at work.

Ad 2) Mental

Computer addiction

Few people realize this is still the case that a computer can make in the same way as alcohol, work or drugs. Addiction is initially invisible. In time, when it has developed, starting to cause clear harm. The first is the progressive isolation. Addicted to the computer not even looking for relationships with others - quickly replaces him / her machine. In the end it starts to have an emotional relationship. No longer able to communicate normally with other people. Loses all ties with them emotionally, his whole life takes place away from the ordinary world. Maybe eg move along the path of games - Computer Marketplace, where you buy the game, then lists, at home, playing with them, and over the internet talking about them. People depend on your computer are proving a big fear of interaction with others, sometimes disguising him show them his superiority. However, problems with insulation generally worse when they cross the threshold of adulthood. The second is a serious danger posed by dependence on the computer, all voltages by discharging machine. Truly a deep sense of security are dependent only at the computer.

Ad 3) Moral
easy and uncontrolled access to information may threaten the moral development of children and adolescents. Loud was the case for example with the publication of one of the websites the user build a bomb. The problem is also easy access to pornography via the Internet. In some countries, attempts to apply certain restrictions and control of web servers, but failed to get anywhere, because there is considerable opposition to the use of any censorship on the Internet. Therefore this problem must deal with the parents and teachers. Here it is necessary proximity and interest charges of what they are doing to be able to intervene at the right time. This is a difficult task for a teacher who has the care of a group of students, but should arrange a lesson, and so direct interest to students so that they feel fascinated by the topic and try to explore it further, even at a time when the teacher is not looking at them .

Ad 4) Social Behaviour
unethical, anonymity, lack of brakes,

Anonymity and lack of brakes on the computer and the network often result in unethical behavior. This is how many drivers on the highway. Triggers in them the demon dormant in the subconscious and on the road in your car behave contrary to all his current investigation. For example, a good girl and good student talking to someone through a network of self-spit steak horrible curses, which he never would dare to say out loud, even alone in front of him.
Keep this in talking with students, sometimes even ashamed of, and realize that culture and a good education is a value in itself, even to an anonymous caller.
fears and concerns, which grows spontaneously developing communication Internet and Web-based, flow, however, two broad streams. Frequently we hear the voices of critics who comply with the adverse social effects which can carry information supersieć which osaczając unit receives her privacy, freedom, and perhaps even consciousness. The second trend cautions against online threats comes from the people - software engineers. Great gained notoriety last doubts about the Java language, specifically designed for writing applications for the Web - an excellent overview of the issues published Andrew Górbiel in Gazeta Wyborcza. As it turns out, this language, which is the largest software companies have already recognized as a standard, contains a number of loopholes which give considerable room to maneuver for hackers. One gets the impression that the issue of data protection in Java goes beyond science. This is a safety problem at all, just a new aspect, which appeared with the new medium of communication. The truth is that perfect security system does not exist. No way, we must learn to live with the knowledge that the network carries a danger. You will need to exceed a mental barrier, eventually ceasing to believe that the offender is a nice network chłoptaś - zdolniacha, which instead should be put to ciupy announce a hero, and hire as an expert. Nobody in their right mind does not engage after hooligans to police or not employed in a bank burglar.

computer threats


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