with Marika Krajniewską Markowska Joanna talks.
are owned Publishing Paper Butterfly, editor-in-chief, journalist, translator, a fitness instructor ... mother and housewife. When you find time to write books?
there would Moonlighting still a few, but seriously, now occupied mostly directing the work of publishing, and carrying out site http://www.oniona.info, where I am chief editor. After work, household responsibilities and fill minor matters, which is sometimes a lot. And writing? Writing in the evenings, when it could not be reconciled with the ending day, tear out the remnants of the forces a few hours on my "second life". Of course, you often need to choose and to be folded priorities accordingly, and this is really an art.
What do you do when luck getting to you when exercise one of the important tasks?
My luck works that I'm okay. When it comes, and I have no means to drop everything and write, sit down in my head and waiting as much as you need. The fact that thoughts are occupied then only that which tells me this vein and I feel a great desire to write at such moments. But she did not flee, patiently waiting until I find myself at a laptop.
So we do not have to count on handicrafts written with a pen?
Pen as possible, this year I got any, from Santa Claus for Christmas, unless I was a good girl last year. But probably not turn to writing it, but it is ideal for signing books.
Do you like signing autographs and dedications?
there would Moonlighting still a few, but seriously, now occupied mostly directing the work of publishing, and carrying out site http://www.oniona.info, where I am chief editor. After work, household responsibilities and fill minor matters, which is sometimes a lot. And writing? Writing in the evenings, when it could not be reconciled with the ending day, tear out the remnants of the forces a few hours on my "second life". Of course, you often need to choose and to be folded priorities accordingly, and this is really an art.
What do you do when luck getting to you when exercise one of the important tasks?
My luck works that I'm okay. When it comes, and I have no means to drop everything and write, sit down in my head and waiting as much as you need. The fact that thoughts are occupied then only that which tells me this vein and I feel a great desire to write at such moments. But she did not flee, patiently waiting until I find myself at a laptop.
So we do not have to count on handicrafts written with a pen?
Pen as possible, this year I got any, from Santa Claus for Christmas, unless I was a good girl last year. But probably not turn to writing it, but it is ideal for signing books.
Do you like signing autographs and dedications?
I do not like to write a dedication. Everything I want to say to readers, is contained in the book that I have to sign.
supporting a debut writers. Some of them lack confidence in themselves and that they can create a masterpiece. What would you advised a novice?
I was a beginner too, and besides, I'm still learning, still develop here because development is very important in everything we do. I believed in myself after winning the contest magazine "Pani". Debutants is not easy at the Polish publishing market. We know that with money you can promote everything you can, even that which is not suitable for reading. This is the truth. A good book, of course, defend itself, but only on condition that it reaches the reader, what the different practices of booksellers are not always so obvious. My advice as a publisher: write, write, and yet time to write. Show your work, do not be afraid of criticism. Reject the criticism that not matter, do not break down the negative comments, but a wise and respected critics continue to write. Very good idea, really giving the opportunity to develop the wings are workshops in creative writing, especially for beginners. I can recommend in good conscience two: the Institute of Literary Research and the Bahamas Films.
However, many aspiring writers do not benefit from the workshops. A wise criticism is motivating. Most publishers, however, rejecting someone's work does not give reasons why they do not want to cooperate in the author. In this case for issuing an opinion, and show the errors you have to pay. How it looks in the Publishing Paper Butterfly?
Frankly, if we reject the text, to inform the author. Issue an opinion on the request of the author, then we exchange what we think is not suitable for publication, what should be improved. Large publishing houses are filled with editorial suggestions, do not have time to read the text, let alone write a review, So no wonder it is so. Often, publishers are publishing a specific plan for a few years ahead. Alone with that I encountered when I wanted to make her debut novel. And it is also understandable, because the publishing activities need to carefully plan for many months before the book launch and accurately estimate the budget.
which shall subject the writer is probably a key?
Rather, the method of presentation. You should write so that the reader will come into him and did not want to leave the world presented Or, he felt as if through a keyhole podpatrywał taking place in the body of the story. I must be the emotions they are very important. The book has
pulsate with life.
What helps you concentrate when you create?
prefer silence, or maybe some kind of music?
definitely prefer silence. But there are times when I need to hook on YouTube, but only for a jiffy, for example, to hear a song from childhood. And as a matter of fact, when you need to write, just sit down and write, without considering whether there is silence or not.
supporting a debut writers. Some of them lack confidence in themselves and that they can create a masterpiece. What would you advised a novice?
I was a beginner too, and besides, I'm still learning, still develop here because development is very important in everything we do. I believed in myself after winning the contest magazine "Pani". Debutants is not easy at the Polish publishing market. We know that with money you can promote everything you can, even that which is not suitable for reading. This is the truth. A good book, of course, defend itself, but only on condition that it reaches the reader, what the different practices of booksellers are not always so obvious. My advice as a publisher: write, write, and yet time to write. Show your work, do not be afraid of criticism. Reject the criticism that not matter, do not break down the negative comments, but a wise and respected critics continue to write. Very good idea, really giving the opportunity to develop the wings are workshops in creative writing, especially for beginners. I can recommend in good conscience two: the Institute of Literary Research and the Bahamas Films.
However, many aspiring writers do not benefit from the workshops. A wise criticism is motivating. Most publishers, however, rejecting someone's work does not give reasons why they do not want to cooperate in the author. In this case for issuing an opinion, and show the errors you have to pay. How it looks in the Publishing Paper Butterfly?
Frankly, if we reject the text, to inform the author. Issue an opinion on the request of the author, then we exchange what we think is not suitable for publication, what should be improved. Large publishing houses are filled with editorial suggestions, do not have time to read the text, let alone write a review, So no wonder it is so. Often, publishers are publishing a specific plan for a few years ahead. Alone with that I encountered when I wanted to make her debut novel. And it is also understandable, because the publishing activities need to carefully plan for many months before the book launch and accurately estimate the budget.
which shall subject the writer is probably a key?
Rather, the method of presentation. You should write so that the reader will come into him and did not want to leave the world presented Or, he felt as if through a keyhole podpatrywał taking place in the body of the story. I must be the emotions they are very important. The book has
pulsate with life.
What helps you concentrate when you create?
prefer silence, or maybe some kind of music?
definitely prefer silence. But there are times when I need to hook on YouTube, but only for a jiffy, for example, to hear a song from childhood. And as a matter of fact, when you need to write, just sit down and write, without considering whether there is silence or not.
Which songs from childhood, often coming home? Who is your favorite writer
songs of my childhood is of course the Russian hits for children, but also songs that I listened to willy-nilly, along with my parents and older brother. The specificity of the Russians is that the banner of singers are eternally alive, and their songs for generations, are played on radio stations and at numerous concerts broadcast on television. This may seem ridiculous, but it has its charm, especially since it does not interfere with the promotion of young talented. Nice song from childhood ear is also a Beatles hits, well remembered for my brother's fascination with the boys from Liverpool. However, I am not a person who has a specific favorite style of music. I like good music, namely, that I simply like it, from contemporary to classics, and I need one and the other, but sometimes, not often. A much more likely to need the literature to be able to make a breath before exhalation. Russian classics will always occupy the first place, closely followed contemporary literature from around the world.
songs of my childhood is of course the Russian hits for children, but also songs that I listened to willy-nilly, along with my parents and older brother. The specificity of the Russians is that the banner of singers are eternally alive, and their songs for generations, are played on radio stations and at numerous concerts broadcast on television. This may seem ridiculous, but it has its charm, especially since it does not interfere with the promotion of young talented. Nice song from childhood ear is also a Beatles hits, well remembered for my brother's fascination with the boys from Liverpool. However, I am not a person who has a specific favorite style of music. I like good music, namely, that I simply like it, from contemporary to classics, and I need one and the other, but sometimes, not often. A much more likely to need the literature to be able to make a breath before exhalation. Russian classics will always occupy the first place, closely followed contemporary literature from around the world.
mention in history books, war and the period of blockade of Leningrad.
Is it because it directly affected your family?
I recall many stories of war and the war, describing it especially in his stories, to weave the novel. I feel that I should, that we can not forget about the past, maybe I was just brought up. My ancestors were affected by the tragic fate of those times, some less, some more, and I've been a little girl interested in films about war, especially when the heroes of these films were children. Then came the fascination with the plight of women in war. I am very pleased that the publisher released the book Black Aleksijewicz light on how women fared during the war. I recommend to all reports of Belarusian journalists. A blockade of Leningrad comes from the fact that adoring my city, I love the story and its inhabitants, and I can not be indifferent to their fate.
Przyjaźnisz up with Stefan, dignified Persian cat. Do you feel sometimes
its magic. It inspires you in some way?
I love Stephen, is extremely polite and dignified cat. Do not know if it's thanks to the magic cat, cat, or plain laziness, but it often goes quiet on me. I always thought that cats have the power. Sense the moods of people, even supposedly able to lie down on the man in the place where he had any medical condition. I believe it's true. It is a pity that Stephen is living in Torun.
Do you think your daughter Maya, also embrace the passion of writing? What
she likes to do most?
its magic. It inspires you in some way?
I love Stephen, is extremely polite and dignified cat. Do not know if it's thanks to the magic cat, cat, or plain laziness, but it often goes quiet on me. I always thought that cats have the power. Sense the moods of people, even supposedly able to lie down on the man in the place where he had any medical condition. I believe it's true. It is a pity that Stephen is living in Torun.
Do you think your daughter Maya, also embrace the passion of writing? What
she likes to do most?
Passion for books already embraced it, and writing in some way as well. We have completed jointly written the story, her own poems and try to write and illustrate books. It is true that they end up in three sentences, but I feel that she had not said the last word.
How is writing in conjunction with another author? You have already produced such
experience with the "Age of women." Will she ever undertake such a task
Joint writing memories very nice. It was, to say, such an exercise in creative writing on a large scale. I recommend to all such writing, because it is highly developed and very inspiring. Obviously współpiszące people need to agree on the different issues and should be able to find a common way out of crisis situations, such as when the heroine is described by one author has a different opinion than the character he creates współpiszący author. I had a very comfortable situation, since Marzena Lickiewicz, which I wrote "Women's Era," and the idea realizowałyśmy, supports and complements perfectly my heroine, and I her.
As readers might expect of your next novel? I am very curious
what tea you like best?
I wear with the intention of issuing a volume of short stories that will appear in spring or autumn, and I'm working on a novel. And when it comes to tea ... I like the most green, the second is immortal black, but on condition that it will be with honey and lemon.
Thank you very much for your time. :)
Author: Marika Krajniewska:
"Paper Butterfly"
"The smell of raspberries"
Era Women
"the bend"