Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Wording For Brunch After The Wedding Invitations


As commentators have found the squeals and Eptesicus (Dankeschön), bird notes from two to buzzard - buteo buteo . Today came another one - dark colored, and probably a bit smaller. Unfortunately (as seen above), sitting under the light. But ... the moment arrived the previous one, and flew out together. On the pictures there was no time - either binoculars or a camera - I chose a pair of binoculars. Anyway - I bet a pair and this means that the case appears to be developmental.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Shoulder C3 C4 Disk Bulge Surgery

"As the new head of the family in June 1941 forced the sister that she packed their belongings and money from his father's secret hiding bought tickets to Budapest. There never saw any of their classmates, they were all sent to the gas chambers" , I read. The word 'money' is underlined. When you mouseover popup ad appears: "Credit for Firms in Pekao debt limit to be determined individually. A convenient way to pay."

In the end does not stink, right?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hot Pinkshower Curtains


Any predatory bird struck the park today, outside the window. From reading the wiki the best match I hen harrier, but I'm not convinced. Do you fly with us ornithologist?