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Geotechnics Engineering Geology of the Minister on the geological-engineering research

For those in need, here is the regulation of the Minister .
detailed requirements, which should correspond to the descriptions and some graphics
§ 17 1. Some descriptive documentation of geo-engineering should include:
1) general information about dokumentowanym field of development
surface, underground infrastructure and property relations;
2) information on technical requirements of construction and geotechnical category
facility construction, 4) assessment of research Field and laboratory tests performed to establish the conditions
geological engineering including geotechnical category
facility construction, and 8) assessment of existing buildings;
3) a description of geographical location;
4) a description of the geological structure, including tectonics, karst, lithology and genesis and the layer
geodynamic processes, especially weathering, deformation of the filter,
creep, swelling, subsidence zapadowego, anthropogenic processes;
5) a description of the physical and mechanical properties of the land;
6) a description of the hydrogeological conditions;
7) assessment of the conditions geological engineering, and forecasts the impact of investment on environmental
8) estimation of mineral resources, if they are to be used in the implementation of
4) map of areas potentially at risk of migration of contaminants;
5) other thematic maps to adapt to the specific dokumentowanego site.
§ 19 1. Descriptive part of geological-engineering done for
determine geotechnical conditions of foundation of buildings, subject to
§ 20 and 21, in addition to the requirements referred to in § 17, depending on your needs, it should
1) the characteristics of the proposed facility, especially the size, projected load
second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, should include:
1) location plan on a scale of 1:500 to 1:2 000 and general map of the location
dokumentowanego site;
2) documentary on the backing map topography, bearing the location
dokumentowanego land lines and cross points research;
3) map geological engineering; maps are not drawn to the documentation for individual
small buildings;
4) summary table of physical and mechanical properties of soil and groundwater fizycznochemicznych
and grading charts, material testing, probing
5) cross-sections and geological engineering;
6) profiles of boreholes and excavation plans.
§ 18 1. Descriptive part of geological-engineering done for the preparation
spatial plans beyond the requirements referred to in § 17
, depending on your needs, should include:
1) information on the state land use and data on the condition of existing
2) The technical characteristics of the proposed building complex or an entire job
investment alternatives including land use;
3) separation of the areas where the project location
likely to have significant effects on the environment would require application of additional safeguards;
4) characteristics of the phenomena and processes geological, hydrogeological or related
occurring in the field;
5) characteristics of the isolated preparation of documentation for land units
(a series of lithological-genetic), including anthropogenic land;
6) a description of groundwater use and protection;
7) determine the engineering-geological conditions and land reclamation areas
altered by human activities, including excavation voids and
8) assessing the state of the environment and its changes result of the impact of existing facilities and construction
for investments held
that may significantly affect the environment;
9) characteristics of the geological engineering area considering its suitability for implementation
proposed construction as well as for various forms of
second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on your needs,
should include:
1) documentary with a map location of the proposed investment;
2) of degraded land map indicating the scope of restrictions on land use
, with the concept of rehabilitation;
3) map the suitability of individual parts site for the location of various objects
depth of foundation;
2) technological assumptions and design-construction
designed facility construction;
3) model of the geological structure of the proposed division of a work;
5) characteristics for the establishment of dedicated teams of land records
(a series of lithological-genetic), including an assessment of the physico-mechanical
land forming the teams;

7 ) characteristics of aggressiveness of the groundwater in relation to construction materials
, 6) first determine whether the groundwater level, fluctuation amplitude and
position of maximum water level of the underground;

9) the results of geological and engineering cartographic work for establishing

10) documentation of excavation and research of field observations, maps of engineering-geological conditions;
11) a description of the phenomena and geodynamic processes occurring and anthropogenic
dokumentowanym area and its vicinity, including the assessment of the size of their impact for

12) forecast of engineering-geological conditions, designed buildings, which may occur during
implementation, use and demolition of a building;
13) an indication of how the rational foundation of design objects,
3) map of areas potentially at risk of migration of contaminants;
15) an indication of how the foundation of foundations of buildings in the maritime areas
Polish Republic;
16) data for documentation wybórgraficzna soil improvement methods;
17) recommendations to conduct surveillance of buildings in terms of their
category geotechnicznej.14) assessment of engineering-geological conditions in the areas covered by the activities ENGINEERING GEOLOGY
second Some referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on appropriate,
should include:
1) depth map of the land and thickness słabonośnych;
2) map the thickness of anthropogenic land;
3) depth map to the first groundwater table;
4) map load takes into account the conditions of construction land and depth
5 ) a description of the hydrogeological and hydrological conditions, including aquifers and groundwater dynamics
hydraulic contact between them;
6) characteristics of separate documentation for the establishment of teams
land (series lithological-genetic), including an assessment of the physico-mechanical
land forming the teams;

5) map of aquifers, indicating the depth of their occurrence and thickness
; of groundwater;
6) map tracks impermeable floor and thickness;
7) permeability of soil maps at different depths;

9) map of geodynamic processes occurring within the proposed construction sites
; 8) map of sediment at a depth of one meter or at the indicated depths below the bottom of the sea
10) depth map of the substrate carrier.
§ 20 1. Descriptive part of geological-engineering done for
determine geotechnical conditions of foundation of hydraulic engineering facilities outside the
requirements referred to in § 17, as required, should include:
1) fixed by the designer building hydro-technical (water reservoir, weir,
lock), equipment and technical requirements, especially concerning the factors that
important for research, such as depth of foundation building and environmental
2) the characteristics of a water tank (submerged, półzawieszony suspended and raised
4) observations of fluctuations in the position of groundwater table level
first aquifer in the vicinity of the proposed water reservoir in period of at least one year
hydrological years from 1 November to 31 October;
5) a description of the geology of the area taking into account the results of geophysical measurements;
6) the results of hydrogeological investigations and measurements, including: 3) characteristics of the hydrographic conditions and hydrogeology of the site;

a) the filtration coefficient determined on the basis of laboratory tests,
b) observations and measurements of underground water flow velocity in the hole test,
d) the leakage field tests of the rock mass,
e) pumping test in hydrowęźle c) field research water absorption layers,

7) a description of the hydrogeological conditions in the vicinity of the proposed water tank
into account the characteristics of aquifers, especially
first level, with the fluctuations in the position of groundwater table and the maximum
This mirrors the level and degree of aggressiveness of those waters;

9) forecast changes in the terrain, soil and water during exercise and
use of the building, and 8) for the characterization of the divisional teams compiling a land
(a series of lithological-genetic), including an assessment of the properties Physico-mechanical
land forming the teams;
10) an indication of how the rational foundation of the proposed facility or part thereof
11) a description of the phenomena and geodynamic processes occurring and anthropogenic
dokumentowanym area and its vicinity together with an assessment of their impact on the size of the proposed investment
12) assessment of land vulnerability to abrasion and other natural or artificial transformation in the coastal zone
proposed water tank;
13) evaluate the viability aperture clay, giving difficulties in the formation
15) recommendations for monitoring of hydraulic engineering facilities and the impact of reservoir water to the environment
2 estimate the interaction of the geological environment and facilities, hydro
17) determining the suitability of land as a natural and anthropogenic material
dam construction to comply with front and side, and flood embankments
, 1) map the depth to first groundwater table indicating the direction of flow

1923) analysis of the environmental assessment of resistance to anthropogenic impact.
second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on your needs,
should include:

2) map tracks impermeable floor and their thickness;
4) map of the area of \u200b\u200bthe cup of the water of mineral deposits, including peats.
§ 21 1. Some text geological-engineering done for
determine the geotechnical conditions of foundation works investments
linear addition to the requirements referred to in § 17, as appropriate, should
include: 3) permeability of soil maps at different depths;
1) description Research carried out for investments or fixed in the draft stage
geological work, in relation to the stage of designing a building line and
grade line along the route;
2) the characteristics of land covering dokumentowanego:
4) the presentation occurring from the proposed facility phenomena and geodynamic processes
, mass movements of surface ground deformation and transformation filter
b) an analysis of existing results ENGINEERING GEOLOGY geological and engineering studies,
c) the condition of land and existing buildings, a) a description geological environment,
d), the areas less suitable for the proposed investment;
3) data for a variant solution to the route of the proposed facility;

7) the directions of the rehabilitation and management of the business changed
man, occurring on the route of the proposed facility;
8) recommendations concerning the monitoring of embankments, trenches and channels, and
bridges, including the geotechnical category;
9) assessment of the route of the proposed facility due to danger, especially
associated with an underground operation and filter characteristics of the land;
10) information about the location of mineral deposits and resources and their quality, which can be used
the performance of the proposed facility;
11) administration of the excavation of land suitability for the construction of embankments.
second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on your needs,
should include:
1) engineering-geological cross-section, bearing the route of the proposed facility niweletą;
2) zoning map of geodynamic processes;
3) map the thickness of land słabonośnych;
4) map covering the geological engineering zone along the route of the proposed facility, a
width dependent on the identified geological conditions and the expected impact on the environment
5) a map containing the characteristics of the geological engineering land-related investment needs

24 § 22 1. Some text geological-engineering
done for bulk storage of substances and disposal of waste in the ground, including
in underground mine workings, in addition to the requirements referred to in § 17,
appropriate, should include:
1) the name and location of the proposed investment;
2) the characteristics of technical solutions and technological investment, the type and quantity
provided for the storage and disposal of waste substances from the waste
administration group, and 8) geological engineering characteristics of the reservoir and its overburden, especially
permeability (porosity, frac) based on research or archival materials
including data from adjacent fields with similar reservoir properties
3) evaluate the viability of investments with the characteristics of hazards during use and in the case
accidents in the mine workings;
4) a description of the geological structure of the insulating layers and aquifers and their
physical and mechanical properties, as well as to the conditions of isolation
absorbent structure;
5) a description of karst in the region and sufozyjnych underground mining excavations;
6) assessment of environmental hazards due to storage and disposal of waste substances
in the bed, during construction and operation of the facility and in case of failure;
7) conduct of life deposits or underground mining excavations provided to
storage and disposal of waste substances;

9) studies the properties of rock collector and guards, including the physical-mechanical and acoustic
, and the impact of chemistry provided for the storage of waste rock
tank, underground mining excavation;
12) the characteristics of investment broken down into:
a) part of the ground,
10) geological and engineering characteristics of the underground mine working with
including the possibility of sealing the surrounding rock;
11) distribution and characteristics of the chemical or waste intended for storage and
storage and technology of their preparation for storage or storage in

b) the drill hole or shaft of the mine. description of the construction of the assessment of technical
c) assessment of the underground part of the absorption and tightness in the rock surrounding the deposit or an underground mine working
13) describes how to simulate the injection or a variant of a substance or waste, and forecast variant
(digital modeling) changes in the ground caused by the intrusion
14) evaluate the prevalence of shocks within the analyzed rock ;

second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on your needs,
should include:
1) topographic map with marked border over the non-reservoir storage of substances or
Landfill and the boundaries of space covered by
predicted harmful effects of such activities;
2) map of mine workings; 15) characteristics of the aquifers from possible contamination assessment;
16) forecast the impact of storage and disposal of waste substances in underground

17) the conclusions resulting from the conduct of monitoring przedeksploatacyjnego
and recommendations for the conduct of monitoring in the operational phase and after-closure.
1925 excavations on the environment;
3) structural and tectonic map of the area deposits;
4) map of the aquifers indication of the depth of their occurrence and thickness
5) geological profile of the deposit geological engineering characteristics of the layers;
6) profiles of boreholes;
7) summarizes the results of laboratory tests of soil and water.
§ 23.1. Descriptive part of geological-engineering done for
landfill area beyond the requirements referred to in § 17,
appropriate, should include:

2) the characteristics of technical solutions and technological investment, the type and quantity provided
to the landfill, with the group of waste;
3) discussion of morphology of the terrain, and hydrographic network of research done thus far in the area of \u200b\u200bthe planned investment
; wells
4) model of the geological structure of the insulating layers and aquifers, the natural barriers that
geological , 1) the name and location of the proposed investment;
5) evaluates the work done and study for the type of site;
6) assessment of the tightness of the contact surface of the substrate waste landfills;
7) environmental risk assessment by the leachate, biogas and other factors;
8) the proposal found useful in terms of engineering-geological formation properties
methods of land use; 11) determine the relevance of local natural and anthropogenic soils as construction material landfill
9) forecast the impact of landfill on the various elements of the environment;
10) evaluation of engineering-geological conditions for design, exercise,
use and reclamation;
12) type of hazards during the construction and operation of the facility and in case of failure;
13) evaluate the viability of investments, including recommendations relating to the limitation of its
sizes; 26
4) profiles of boreholes;
5) compile the results of laboratory tests of soil and water.
14) manner of use of land in the vicinity of the proposed investment;
15) extent of the groundwater monitoring and land in the vicinity of the landfill and the stability of the landfill and
ground displacement in the operational phase and after-closure.
second Some video documentation referred to in paragraph. 1, depending on your needs,
1) substrate, and foreland site; map geological engineering
2) map the depth to first groundwater table and groundwater flow direction